POS | Medical Billing Software
MedOffice enhances your ability to sell non-insurance products and services.
If your office sells non-insurance billable products and services directly to your patients, you will greatly appreciate MedOffice's powerful Point-of-Sale tracking system - yet another feature that sets us apart from the crowd.

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Our POS module keeps track of all your inventory, issues reminders to reorder when the inventory dips below any point you decide for each product, and prints valuable reports so you can assess each product's sales history and profitability.
Another valuable feature of the POS module is the ability to sell a "series" or package of products or services. Then as the buyer uses up items, you can debit the account and fully track its usage.
Invoices and payments are handled outside of your regular A/R module, so you can maintain separate records from insurance claims. You can even accept credit card payments for this merchandise or services.